Territorial determinants of food health in Mexican rural areas
food security, rurality, food health, food accessibility, rural basic food basketAbstract
This paper aims to analyze food security and accessibility to essential products from a physical-geographical perspective, taking into account factors such as road infrastructure, supply networks, and food availability in local establishments. The methodology consists of a sample of two rural locations in Guanajuato, Mexico, with the application of a survey with three components: 1) the experience of food security, 2) access to products in the basic rural basket, and 3) the conditions of infrastructure and transportation. Results of the study indicated that, in rural areas, the cost of food increases as a result of transportation expenses. Furthermore, many of the healthiest foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are not available in rural towns, unless they are sold by road-merchants. Consequently, the physical-geographical conditions of the area, such as the topography and transportation network, influence food consumption decisions in rural areas. Despite these challenges, rural households are able to compensate for the lack of access to food because of their community organizations as well as their solidarity supply networks.
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